To complete this and subsequent drawing challenges, you need to install PathVisio, setup a mapping database for finding genes, gene products and metabolites and load the WikiPathways plugin to communicate directly with WikiPathways.

Install PathVisio

Setup a mapping database

  • Launch PathVisio:
    • Windows: start PathVisio by double-clicking the pathvisio.bat file.
    • MacOS / Linux: start PathVisio by running or double-click the pathvisio.jar file.
  • In PathVisio, go to Plugins > Plugin manager. Find the BridgeDbConfig plugin from the list of plugins on the left side.
  • Click the Install button to install.
  • Select Data > Identifier mapping setup and click Add. In the interface select BridgeRest webservice in the left sidebar.
  • In the Species drop-down, select "Homo sapiens", then click OK. Exit the BridgeDb Configuration interface by clicking OK.
  • Install the WikiPathways plugin

  • In PathVisio, go to Plugins > Plugin manager. Find the WikiPathways plugin from the list of plugins on the left side.
  • Click the Install button to install.
  • Note: PathVisio requires Java 8 and does not work with Java 10/11. To upgrade your Java, follow instructions here.