You have completed the WikiPathways Academy training, and you're ready to be a WikiPathways author! We encourage you to create and share your own pathway models at WikiPathways. Here are a few suggestions for next steps to take on your journey as a WikiPathways author!

Engage: Join the WikiPathways Community

Join the public discussion on pathway curation and other WikiPathways-related topics.

Contribute: Create a Pathway Model from a published figure

Browse our suggested pathway modeling tasks to find a published pathway of interest to you. Then create a pathway model and publish it at WikiPathways! The suggested pathways are selected based on novelty in terms of genes or disease focus.

Contribute: Improve an Existing Pathway

Help improve WikiPathways by editing existing pathway models that are in need of improvement. These tasks include adding datanode identifiers, connecting interactions, updating labels, improving layout as well as larger tasks like completing an unfinished pathway.