
A cofactor is a non-protein chemical compound or metallic ion that is required for an enzyme's activity as a catalyst, and is essential for the enzyme's proper functioning. Cofactors can be considered "helper molecules" that assist in biochemical transformations. They are often required for the stability and function of enzymes and significantly influence the enzyme's ability to catalyze its reaction. Source: Wikipedia.

Your Mission

Draw the final step in the regeneration of Methionine from Homocysteine by Methionine Synthase, with the cofactor Methylcobalamin.

  • Download the starter pathway here: draw-cofactor-reaction-start.gpml.
  • Launch PathVisio and open the dowloaded file via File > Open.
  • Add the MSprotein that catalyze the conversion (for example using Uniprot ID Q99717).
  • Add a metabolite node for methylcobalamin.
  • Group the two nodes, and set the group style to Complex in the Properties panel.
  • Right-click on the existing conversion interaction and select Add anchor, or select the conversion interaction and then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+R (Command+R on Mac), to add the anchor.
  • Select the Catalysis arrow from the MIM interactions palette in the Objects tab and place the interaction anywhere on the drawing board.
  • Drag the plain end (start) of the interaction over a target area on the complex.
  • Drag the catalysis end (end) of the interaction over the anchor on the conversion line.
  • Done!
  • Save your work as a GPML file under File > Save As.
  • Drag-and-drop the GPML file below to check if it is correct.